Our fresh coffee roasts for the month of February will be on the 10th and the 24th.

Abbey Gardens


Abbey Gardens is a not-for profit charity providing economic and recreational opportunities for our community. Everything we do on site helps further our mission to create opportunities to learn about living more sustainably. If you want to learn about local food, gardening, energy, sustainable construction techniques, heritage agricultural animals, land restoration or cooking techniques, this is the place to visit!

County Coffee roasts in the FOOD HUB market at Abbey Gardens. Coffee is roasted almost every week so there is always a fresh bag to be had. Like everything else at the Food Hub, freshness and quality are very important to us as is sustainability. 

When we got started a few years ago we searched high and low for ways to roast coffee in line with the Abbey Gardens project: sustainable, educational, and local. We found the Artisan 6 roaster from Coffee Crafters used a fluid-bed heating system which reduces the energy demand without losing flexibility in the roasting process. W

Artisan Roaster

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